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0300 123 1420
Governance professional services are an essential resource for board members, providing guidance and support as they navigate the many complex responsibilities that come with serving on a board. Whether you are new to the role or have been a member of the board for years, having expert governance professional services can help you understand everything from your legal duties and governance requirements to best practices for effective meetings and decision-making.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you.
We can provide you with a trained professional to support your board with its administration as well as advice and guidance on best practices and compliance. We’re passionate about helping boards to focus on their strategic priorities, ensuring that they are up to date with the latest government advice and legislation. Our governance professional service also supports clerking for specialist panels such as permanent exclusion hearings.
Our governance professionals are thoroughly trained and supported by our central team to ensure that they remain current and properly briefed. Our governance professionals work in a range of settings such as HR, Finance and Safeguarding and can, therefore, bring their wider level of experience to every governing body or trust board meeting, reassuring you that all our governance professionals will be up to date with all of the latest developments and information to share with the board.
Key benefits
We are flexible in how we operate and can tailor a service to suit your needs.