Designated Safeguarding Lead – DSL25/07 27th & 28th February 2025
E LearningOutcomes - To understand and be assertive in carrying out the role of DSL according to statutory guidance and local policies. - To explore ways of promoting the role of the DSL within the schools/education setting, amongst staff, parents, carers and children. - To discover effective ways of listening to children and acting on any concerns they raise. - To develop ways to contribute to the assessing of children’s needs and offer appropriate early help, escalating these when necessary. - To gain an understanding of best practice in recording and managing concerns and allegations Event Description For Designated Safeguarding Leads/Alternates to understand the role and develop the confidence to promote the health and welfare of children and young people, and ensure the school has the appropriate safeguarding arrangements in place. You must have attended your schools Safeguarding training in the last 2 years before applying for this course. To ensure all delegates get as much from the course as possible we request that a maximum of two delegates per...